Cell Phone Policy

Devices Off Learning On

Personal Electronic Communication Devices in Schools This page contains information about how cell phones, ear buds, and smart watches can and cannot be used in school buildings


cellphones off learning on picture

Twin Falls School District (TFSD) is implementing a new policy regarding the use of personal electronic communication devices, such as cell phones, smartwatches, and other similar devices, during the school day. This policy aims to foster a focused and productive learning environment by minimizing distractions and ensuring that students can fully engage in their educational activities.

Why This Policy?

Recent research and experiences have shown that the presence of personal electronic devices in classrooms and on school campuses can significantly detract from students’ attention, be detrimental to overall academic performance, and have a negative impact on student mental health. By limiting the use of these devices, we aim to:

  • Enhance students’ concentration and engagement in their studies.

  • Promote healthier social interactions and reduce the potential for cyberbullying.

  • Ensure a safer and more secure school environment.

If it rings, pings or dings- it's a smartwatch!

Key Points of the Policy:

  • Prohibited Devices: The policy covers all personal electronic communication devices, including cell phones, smartwatches, earbuds, headphones, and similar items. Devices issued by the district or pre-approved for educational use are not included in this prohibition. Students must keep their devices silenced and out of sight during the entire school day. Devices should be stored in backpacks, bags, or lockers and not be on their person.

  • High School Exception: High school students are permitted to use their devices during lunch periods, as high school campuses are open during this time.

  • Disciplinary Actions: Devices that are visible or audible during school hours will be confiscated. Students can retrieve their devices at the end of the day for the first offense. For subsequent offenses, parents or guardians will need to collect the devices

Communication and Emergencies:

We understand the need for students and parents to communicate during the school day. In case of an emergency or urgent matter, parents can contact the school office, and staff will ensure the message is delivered to the student. Students can also request to use a phone in the office or their classroom.


For students who require the use of electronic devices for health-related reasons or other specific needs, exceptions can be made. Please contact the school administration to discuss and arrange appropriate accommodations.

Resources and Support:

We have compiled a comprehensive Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document to address any concerns you may have about the new policy. This document is available on this page and can be downloaded for your convenience.

Contact Us:

If you have any questions or need further information, please do not hesitate to reach out to your school’s administration. We are here to support our students and families as we transition to this new policy.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in helping us create a better learning environment for all students.